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The Link Between Greek And Western Civilization Essay Example for Free

The Link Between Greek And Western Civilization Essay The Greek human advancement is perceived to have been one of the premier supporters...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

New Policies For Liberating People From Poverty - 1293 Words

After the liberation in 1961, Tanzania, created new policies for liberating people from poverty imprisonment. The government strategized to move people away from distant, remote locations of the country to designated village areas (villagelization), where services such that schools, clinics, piped water, roads, and adult education would easily be available to citizens. The villagelization blueprint famous in Kiswahili as vijiji vya ujmaaa linked with African communal life or African socialism (Hope, 2007; Major and Muhvihill, 2009). However, during this process, the country, like other parts of Africa, suffered from hunger as a result of a severe drought, together with the previous mention internal and external forces and once again†¦show more content†¦Nyerere doubtfully, responded to one of his interviewers that; â€Å"We stated what we stood for, we laid down a code of conduct for our leaders [in Tanzania] and we made an effort to achieve our goals. This was obvious to all, even if we made mistakes-and when one tries anything new and uncharted, there are bound to be mistakes† (p. 10). With humbleness of heart, Nyerere challenged his effort, while putting the love for his people in the forefront and extended that beyond Tanzania to the rest of African nations. Bunting (1999) indicates Nyerere’s dream for easing poverty, the creation of equal economic opportunities, and the improved wellbeing of citizen constantly defied Nyerere when he left office in 1985. Apart from his own failure, external forces on the other hand, exceeded his ability, failed his policies, and perpetuated poverty. He could not manage to deviate from the international polices, he, instead found himself restrained automatically in the policies of the World Bank, IMF, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) now the World Trade Organization (WTO). All of these institutions, increased and worsened the poor condition in Tanzania, through the previously ident ified prohibitive regulations of the early 1970s (Hope, 2007). I would say that, the government of

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